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Tips for Running a Successful Barber Shop

So, you’ve done it. You’ve done the research, raised the money, and opened your first barber shop. Congratulations. Starting a business can be a daunting task, but it’s only the beginning. If you’re curious about how to run a successful barber shop, look no further. Here are a few top tips.

A great customer experience is vital.

If there’s one thing that you should take away from this article it’s this: Customer satisfaction should be your number one priority. This means welcoming every client with a smile while being attentive and caring about their needs.

Creating a business that will make your customers feel happy and relaxed is going to turn that first time visitor into a regular. If they like you enough, they may even recommend you to their family and friends, which is what you want.

Remember to also create social media profiles for your new business, as this will allow you to promote it and spread the word about how magnificent your barbershop is. That being said, it can be challenging to manage all your social media, answer customer queries, and work, all at the same time.

This is where a call center software can come in handy on the customer service front. If your shop is packed (or if a customer wants to get in touch after hours) a virtual call center can take care of all your business channels, including text messages, video calls, live chats, social media, and more. With tools like interactive voice response (IVR), inbound call routing, and analytics, your support team’s workflow will function more effectively and lead to better conversions.

Be a little extra.

This tip may be similar to the last one in that it involves creating a customer experience worth remembering. Have you ever been to a shop where the staff was particularly helpful? Or a hairdresser offered you a cup of tea and a biscuit? Well, that’s what we mean by being a little extra.

Those little, often-overlooked things can make a world of difference to your business. This means that your place should be spotless, always smell good (as should you) and it should scream opulence. Because let’s face it: Who doesn’t want to feel like a king from time to time?

Get new scissors.

So, what about technical matters like equipment? Well, of course, it’s important. No one wants to be sat on an old squeaky chair and look into a cheap, reflection-distorting mirror. As per our previous point, it’s a good idea to go above and beyond in your barbershop.

Consider ditching that old school barber chair and invest in something that’s unique. Remember that even if you’re tight on a budget, purchasing high-quality equipment will pay for itself later, once you’ve grown your clientele.

Promotion, Promotion, Promotion

You may be digitally savvy and present on all social media platforms, but don’t underestimate the power of old-fashioned promotion. There may be an elderly gentleman who would love to use your services, but he isn’t all that good with computers. How do you solve that problem?

Try out some classic promotional techniques. Don’t wait for your customers to find you, go out there and find them. Put an ad in a local newspaper, get business cards, and distribute them cleverly. This means dropping them into letterboxes or even asking your local shop manager to display them somewhere easy to find.

Put your feet up.

This may sound counterproductive, but hear us out. Hard work is essential for your business to thrive, but so is a happy owner. Make sure to reward yourself each week and be kind to your staff, too. Remember, happy staff means happy customers, and people tend to be drawn to happy people.

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